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2022-09-28 | 责任编辑:admin | 浏览数:595 | 内容来源:本站编辑发布






一、发烧  Fever


发烧:become feverish; have a temperature

发高烧:have a high fever

平常有微热,有几次升到38.4度:have low grade (slight) fever to 38.4℃ on a few occasions

没有发烧:be afebrile; have no fever


体温上升:have an elevation of temperature

发高烧伴随恶寒:have high temp. associated with chill

体温上升,有恶寒:have chills with high temperature

体温急速下降:one's fever falls (abates; declines) promptly

体温开始减低:fever began to remit

体温似乎是减退了:fever seemed to abate

体温降到正常:fever dropped (was reduced) to normal

体温慢慢地下降(上升)with slow lysis ( cirsis) of fever

体温一天一天地低下来:fever became lower day by day

二、睡眠  Sleep


非常爱睡:be unusually sleepy

贪睡:be fond of sleep

无法控制的嗜睡:uncontrollable somnolence

易醒:be easily wakened

时常在晚上醒过来:often wake up at night.

不能熟睡:sleep is not sound

晚上睡得不很熟:do not sleep well at night

睡觉不能多过数小时:sleep for no longer than a few hours.

由于呼吸短促睡不着:have sleepless night with shortness of breath

今年冬天由于夜间性气喘一直失眠:had insomnia this winter due to nocturnal asthma

患失眠症:have (develop) insomnia

睡眠不足:want(lack) of sleep; insufficient sleep

不易入睡:have trouble getting to sleep

睡眠无多大的障碍:sleep is not greatly disturbed


三、疼痛  Pain


感觉疼痛:feel (have; suffer from) a pain; pain is felt in ; feel painful

头痛:have a headache; be troubled with a headache; feel a pain in one's head

患剧烈头痛:have a nasty (bad) headache

时常头痛:be subject (a martyr) to headaches

有撞击似的两侧性头痛:have bilateral pounding headaches

头痛逐渐地变为频发(较不严重)headaches gradually become more frequent (less severe)











()痛:stabbing ( shooting) pain


穿刺()piercing<, , , , /span>



似裂()tearing (splitting)


刀割样()knife like



()girdle like (constricting)




绞性痛:colic (colicky pain)

剧痛:severe (pungent; intense)

感应痛:referred pain

坠痛:bearing down pain

发生遍身的酸痛:develop diffuse body aching

有剧烈的骨盘痛:have exquisite pelvic pain

牙痛频发:continual bouts of toothache

一阵阵剧烈的牙痛:the pangs of a toothache

带有胸膜炎性状的右胸痛:right sided pain of a pleuritic character

发生阵痛性的疼痛:have labor like pains

疼痛再发pain reappears (relapses); pain breaks out again; a return of the pain

疼痛放射pain radiates ( travels) to …; pain radiating from … to …; radiation of the pain to …

疼痛存在于:the pain is limited to; the pain is located (localized; situated) in (or over) ; there is localized pain in …

遍在痛:generalized (general; extensive; unlocalized) pain

疼痛减轻:pain is relieved by , relieve (ease, allay, alleviate, assuage, abate, soothe) the pain, pains decrease (grow less, go down , fall off)

疼痛减轻了:the pain became lighter

疼痛的严重度减少:the severity of the pain waned

疼痛未停止:the pain did no ease

四、胃肠  Stomach & Bowels

胃不调:upset stomach

消化不良:have bad (impaired: defective) digestion; suffer from indigestion (dyspepsia)

胃有毛病:have a disordered stomach (stomach disorder); something is wrong with one's stomach.

因过食而伤胃:injure ones stomach by overeating oneself

觉食物积滞胃中:feel heavy on the stomach

食物不易消化:lie (sit) heavy on one's stomach

欲呕:feel nauseated

有晨吐:have morning sickness

夜吐(饭后恶心)nocturnal (postprandial) nausea

晕船()be sea (car) sick

有点恶心:have (experience) some nausea

严重的作呕:have considerable retching

里急后重时发生恶心和呕吐:have a spell of N & V while straining at stool

患食欲不振和恶心:be anorexic and nauseated

偶而恶心和呕吐:develop occasional nausea and vomiting

老是溢酸,感觉腹胀:burp all the time, feel bloated

吐出清净透明的胃容物:with vomiting of clear gastric contents

呕吐停了,消失了:vomiting stopped (ceased), cleared

止吐:settle the stomach

打噎:belch (eruct; eructate)

解大便:open (relax; evacuate) the bowel; have a passage

有便意:have a call of nature

1(2)大便:have a motion (two motions)

没有大便:be constipated

平均每天大便12次:averaged 12 stools daily

发觉粪便中有很多血:noticed gross blood in ones stools

开始一天解8次松的多脂粪便:began to pass 8 loose greasy stools per day

大便增加到一天4—5次:stools increased in number to 4 or 5 daily

更换尿布时有些粪便:have some stool in each diaper change

种类:ordinary, dry, hard, loose(soft), large, watery(liquid), formed, formless, frothy, mucous, bloody, ricewater, peasoup, tarry

臭味:odorless, extremely foul, sour, putrid, less offensive in odor, offensive but no excessively foul

颜色:black, tarry, brownishblack, brown, red, green, yellow, lightbrown, greywhite (claycolored)

便秘:suffer from constipation

惯性便秘:habitual constipation

时常便秘:be always constipated

有便秘倾向:have a tendency to be constipated

只有灌肠才能缓和严重的便秘:ones severe constipation was relieved only by enemas

晨泻,水泻,粘液性腹泻,慢性腹泻:diarrhea (morning, watery, mucous, dysenteric, chronic)

腹泻:diarrhea (轻症 mild,拖延的 protracted, 无法控制的 uncontrolled, 难医的intractable)

患腹泻:suffer from diarrhea; have (an attack of ) diarrhea; have loose bowels

短期的腹泻发生了:a brief episode of diarrhea occurred

开始泻腹(自然消失,于两天后消失)diarrhea commenced (spontaneously disappeared, cleared after 2 days)

偶而泻肚子:have occasional diarrhea

腹泻厉害,在3—7次之间:diarrhea varied in severity from 3 to 7 B.M.

不得不服药:be obliged to take physics

腹泻未因吃脱脂牛奶而转佳:received skim milk without any improvement in the diarrhea

用泻药:use a purgative


排便:micturate; make(pass) water; void; piss

一夜有2次小便:have nocturia twice nightly (a night)

这次住院时解出一个结石:pass a stone on this admission

小便浑浊:one's urine is thick(colored)

解出极浑浊,乳白色的尿:the passage of highly turbid, milky urine

频尿:frequent urination(micturition)

无法忍受的频尿:intolerable frequency of urination

终末性血尿:terminal hematuria

终末尿带有几滴血:urine terminates with a few drops of blood

排尿痛:micturition pain

解尿时左腰疼痛:have pain in the left loin on micturition

小便流势良好:void with a good stream

尿流细小:small u

六、呼吸  Resp,咳嗽  Cough,痰  Sputum

呼吸困难:breathe hard (with difficulty) ; have difficulty in breathing ( respiration)

呼吸困难:dyspnea (夜间性 nocturnal, 发作性paroxysmal)

安静时(运动性)呼吸困难:dyspnea at rest (on exertion)

常发生发作性夜间呼吸困难:frequent episodes of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

呼吸困难突然厉害起来:have sudden increase in dyspnea

患轻微的运动性呼吸困难:have some mild exertional dyspnea

患急性呼吸困难:have an acute attack of dyspnea

无呼吸困难:have no respiratory embarrassment

偶有心悸:have occasional palpitations

心悸反复发生:have recurrent episodes of palpations

苦咳个不停:have a hard (racking; convulsive) cough

4天干燥发作性咳嗽:experience a 4day episode of dry paroxysmal cough.

2岁时开始有间歇性烦咳:intermittent hacking cough started at 2 years old

咳嗽减少了:ones cough diminished

发生轻度无痰的干咳:develop slight nonproductive cough

有点(很多)咯血:have minimal (massive) hemoptysis.

咯出一点血:cough (expectorate; spit) up (out) a little blood

开始咯出黑血斑点:began coughing op flecks of dark blood

中等量(多量/大量)带有灰白色痰的咳嗽:moderate amounts (a great deal, large quantities) of grayishwhite sputum

痰涌上咽喉,有酸味:phlegm wells up in the throat and tastes sour

痰堵住嗓子了:phlegm blocked the windpipe

半杯黄色痰:one half cup of yellowish sputum

吐脓性,偶而带血的痰:produce purulent, occasionally bloodtinged sputum

开始有点咳嗽,并且有约3公撮的血痰:began to have some cough and produced about 3 ml. of bloody sputum.

一点也咳不出痰:do not raise any phlegm at all

咳痰停止了:expectoration ceased

七、神经精神系统  Neuropsychiatric



一般用语:vertigo, dizziness, dizzy spell, syncope, fainting, sleepy, drowsy, lethargic, insomnia, hiccough, convulsion, seizure, trembling, involuntary movement, numbness, weakness, incoordination, clumsiness of motion, tingling, unsteadiness in walking, difficulty in walking, paresthesia, anesthesia, paralysis, myalgia, thick speech, aphonia



一般用语:despondent, gloomy, worried, disgusted, discouraged, scared, fearful, low, afraid, angry, blue ; cheerful, optimistic, pessimistic, satisfied, stable, fluctuating, hilarious


一般用语:think less clearly, decreased speed of thinking, decreased clarity of  thought, flight of ideas, loss of mental vigor , mental apathy

再也不能集中心力:can no longer concentrate

发觉集中力减退:noted waning powers of concentration

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